Revealed! Top Secrets to Repurpose Content Marketing To Boost ROI

 It’s not the best content that wins. It’s the best promoted content that wins.”

~Andy Crestodina

The quote by the author of Content Chemistry highlights the importance of content marketing. What exactly is content marketing, and how a smart strategy can help boost ROI? 

Content marketing isn’t just about writing a quality piece and throwing it casually all over the Internet. Ask an experienced content marketing agency in London and you come to know that it is a technique to create, distribute valuable information to target a defined audience – with a mission to drive profitable actions.


Here, the key is valuable’. The term differentiates a great strategy from conventional advertising techniques. You can call an approach successful if it makes the audience successfully consume it, rather than avoiding it. 


How should you repurpose your strategy to drive more traffic and attain a higher ROI? We, being one of the best content marketing agencies in London, are here with some secrets to revamp and retool your content. 


Let’s check out what they are.


  • Update Content Regularly


You may have created an outstanding blog post, which has been performing well on the search engine results page (SERP). However, you won’t reap its benefits over the long run. Also, outdated content will make visitors leave your page in a few seconds, which affects your write-up’s performance on the SERP. 


 One way to avoid the situation is to update your content regularly with fresh information. It’s a good idea to revisit your blogs after a few weeks to check whether all the links are still working and if more data needs to be added to the piece. 


Pro Tip: Review your content and make a few tweaks or add a new paragraph rather than writing a piece from scratch. 


  • Explore Multiple Content Types


SEO tactics and strategies don’t work well if your content fails to provide value to readers. With that into consideration, don’t feel like you need to stick to blogs


Today’s content writing world is big and fascinating. Explore its additional types to grab the attention of all kinds of netizens. For example, infographics can help make a long-lasting impression on a reader’s mind. Other options include e-books, downloads, and templates. 


Keep your audience in mind and figure out what can be the right way to distribute your content to provide value. For example, a content marketing agency in the UK can write an e-book on how to use the content for marketing purposes


  • Integrate Videos


In the modern smart world, people have high-speed internet connections. If given a choice between a text and a video, most of them will choose multimedia content (no offence). 


It’s true that content is key; but the forms of content are changing in the 21-st century world. For boosted ROI, organisations need to adopt the newest trends while giving respect to the traditional ones. 


The best content marketing agencies in London combine traditional content approaches with new ones to maximise the ROI. You can do that by creating videos to increase your readers’ knowledge while convincing them to click through and read a piece you’re promoting. 


  • Harness the Power of Online Ads


Traditional advertisement techniques are expensive. Plus, they have a limited reach. An ideal and more effective replacement for them for boosted ROI is the online advertisement. 

Organise webinars and promote them on popular platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn. These social media channels have millions of active users who can be reached in just a few minutes. What’s fascinating about online ads is that they are more cost-effective than billboards, radio advertisements, and television ads. Also, they cover more people. 

The Takeaway

The perfect content marketing strategy is a blend of quality and quantity. Luckily, you don’t have to hire a big team of marketers and writers to launch a campaign for the desired results. You can achieve your objectives by publishing up to date, valuable, and smartly optimised content. Rest, leave on the search engines. It will surely do its magic. 

Originally Posted :


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