Revealed! Top Secrets to Repurpose Content Marketing To Boost ROI

It’s not the best content that wins. It’s the best promoted content that wins.” ~Andy Crestodina The quote by the author of Content Chemistry highlights the importance of content marketing. What exactly is content marketing, and how a smart strategy can help boost ROI? Content marketing isn’t just about writing a quality piece and throwing it casually all over the Internet. Ask an experienced content marketing agency in London and you come to know that it is a technique to create, distribute valuable information to target a defined audience – with a mission to drive profitable actions. Here, the key is ‘ valuable’ . The term differentiates a great strategy from conventional advertising techniques. You can call an approach successful if it makes the audience successfully consume it, rather than avoiding it. How should you repurpose your strategy to drive more traffic and attain a higher ROI? We, being one of the best c...